Global Virus Network (GVN) Statement on New Strain of Coronavirus Infection in Wuhan, China

By vgn1 | January 10, 2020

Global Virus Network (GVN) Statement on New Strain of Coronavirus Infection in Wuhan, China Baltimore, Maryland, USA, January, 10, 2020: In light of the recent pandemics emerging from China including the 2003 outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), a viral respiratory illness caused by a coronavirus, and the 2013 outbreak of H7N9, an influenza…

Global Virus Network (GVN) Statement on the Unknown, Viral Pneumonia Outbreak in Wuhan, China

By vgn1 | January 7, 2020

Global Virus Network (GVN) Statement on the Unknown, Viral Pneumonia Outbreak in Wuhan, China Baltimore, Maryland, USA, January, 7, 2020: In light of the recent pandemics emerging from China including the 2003 outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), a viral respiratory illness caused by a coronavirus, and the 2013 outbreak of H7N9, an influenza virus that…