Langya Virus

Langya Virus August 15, 2022 A sentinel surveillance study in China has detected the zoonotic Langya henipavirus (Paramyxoviridae) in 35 patients. RNA of the virus was found in 27% of shrews in the wild, revealing a potential animal reservoir. Zoonotic transmission is the first step potentially leading to “jumps” across species. Currently, there is no evidence of…

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Global Virus Network (GVN) Convenes First-Of-Its-Kind Conference To Evaluate The Public Health Magnitude Of Long-COVID And Define A Global Research Roadmap To Address The Crisis

World Leaders in Science, Healthcare, Academia, Business and Government Discuss Issues and Ramifications of Long Covid Baltimore, MD, USA (July 22, 2022) – The Global Virus Network (GVN), a coalition of world leading medical virology research centers, yesterday concluded a two-day gathering on the ‘Science of Long COVID.’ The first-of-its-kind conference reviewed the wealth of cohort…

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U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations Full Committee Hearing “U.S. Government Response: Fighting Ebola and Protecting America” Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Testimony submitted by: Global Virus Network (GVN)

Robert C. Gallo, MD, GVN Co-Founder and Scientific Director, and Director of GVN Center of Excellence at the Institute of Human Virology (IHV), University of Maryland School of Medicine; Stanley Plotkin, MD, GVN Senior Advisor, University of Pennsylvania; Diane Griffin, MD PhD, GVN Center of Excellence Director at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public…

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