Dr. Céline Cougoule, PhD
HDR – CNRS & University of Toulouse
Dr. Nicolas Hoertel, MD, MPH, PhD
Paris Cité University, INSERM & Corentin-Celton Hospital
Céline Cougoule is a CNRS research associate at IPBS (Institute of Pharmacology and Structural Biology, Toulouse, France), working in the team “Immune detection and elimination of pathogens” led by Dr Etienne Meunier. Her research is devoted to the study of host and pathogen mechanisms controlling autonomous immune responses of stromal cells. She adapted pre-clinical models such as human organoids to study respiratory infections including mycobacteria and SARS-CoV-2.
Nicolas Hoertel is Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Paris Cité University (Paris) and Corentin-Celton hospital (Issy-les-Moulineaux). He studied medicine at Pierre & Marie Curie University and specialized in psychiatry in 2009. He earned a Master’s degree in Public Health with specialization in methodology and statistics from Paris-Sud University and a PhD in Neurosciences from Paris Descartes University. He completed a research fellowship at Columbia University and at the New York State Psychiatric Institute under the supervision of Pr Carlos Blanco. Nicolas Hoertel is part of the team research headed by Pr Philip Gorwood at INSERM research unit UMR_S1266 (Institute of Psychiatry and Neuroscience of Paris) and is the research referent of the medico-university department of Psychiatry and Addictology (AP-HP.Centre-Université Paris Cité) headed by Professor Frédéric Limosin. Nicolas Hoertel has published over 140 scientific articles and was the recipient of the European Psychiatric Association research prize in 2016. Dr. Hoertel’s research interests focus on epidemiology and pharmaco-epidemiology in the field of mental health, with an emphasis on old age psychiatry, psychiatric and medical comorbidity, psychotropic medications, and suicide prevention. His team and him published the first observational evidence of an association between the use of certain antidepressants, those interacting with the acid sphingomyelinase/ceramide system, and improved prognosis among COVID-19 patients.