What We Do > Action Committees

Action Committees

Action Committees (formerly Task Forces and Watch Groups) is a key activity of the Global Virus Network. There are two types:

  • Formed in response to a specific virus outbreak, epidemic, or pandemic.
  • Focused on seven highly pathogenic virus categories and emerging pathogens: respiratory, retroviruses, oncogenic, arbovirology, hemorrhagic fever, gastrointestinal, and zoonotic viruses.

Members of Action Committees come from across the GVN and often include academic, institutional, and corporate members. They meet regularly—virtually—to discuss viral threats or current killers, discuss needs, and forge collaborations. Participation in Action Committees is by invitation. Members who have not received an invitation but wish to participate may self-identify their interest to the leaders of the Action Committees via the GVN Intranet.

Current Action Committees


"Note: This Action Committee is currently on standby with no meetings scheduled"

Led by GVN President Sten Vermund, this Action Committee has been very active throughout the ongoing pandemic, providing a necessary forum for the discussion of preventive and therapeutic approaches to affect transmission. Key achievements include highlighting the role of innate immunity in prevention and underscoring the protective effect of some live attenuated vaccines, including the Oral Poliomyelitis Vaccine (OPV), resulting in several publications, including in The Lancet. Other highlights include (1) implementing international efforts and promote cooperative activities in response to the pandemic, (2) translating research into practical applications to improve diagnostics and effective therapy and to develop vaccines, (3) facilitating clinical trials between industry partners and center scientists, and (4) serving as a world-wide resource to governments and international organizations seeking advice regarding the current COVID-19 outbreak.

Long COVID and other Infection-Associated Chronic Conditions Action Committee 

Led by Drs. Rubeshan Perumal, Janko Nikolich, and Anders Vahlne, this Action Committee successfully championed awareness of post-acute sequelae of COVID, starting with the organization of a very timely virtual conference on the topic, with top international expert speakers. The Action Committee, which includes leading virologists, clinical scientists, and epidemiologists, often hosts expert presentations and discussions. As this pandemic has taken another turn with the spread of various Omicron variants of the virus—meaning even more people will experience Long COVID—this Action Committee seeks to forge global collaborations from multi-disciplinary teams, which are crucial to understanding the causes, mechanisms, and risks to develop preventive measures.


Led by Drs. Rachel Roper, Carlos del Rio, and Stuart Isaacs, this Action Committee was activated in the Spring of 2022 in response to the outbreak of a new genetic strain that quickly spread to more than 100 countries beyond the eight African nations where Mpox is endemic/enzootic. With the amelioration of the outbreak, the group is now sharply focused on addressing the issues of quelling subsequent outbreaks (such as was seen in the summer of 2023) and on endemic countries, where infection often spreads to children in households. The range of expertise in this Action Committee spans from basic research to epidemiology, clinical research, and vaccines. The group has identified key issues related to Mpox outbreaks: protection of vulnerable populations, availability of antivirals and vaccines, the necessity to of monitoring infection rates, implementation of measures to prevent community transmission, and prevent establishment of animal reservoirs in non-enzootic areas. The Action Committee articulated their vision in a Vaccine paper, and meets regularly to update knowledge on spread as well as coordinate international efforts to advance research studies towards therapeutic and preventive approaches to contain and end Mpox transmission.

Emerging Pathogens

"Note: This Action Committee is currently on standby with no meetings scheduled"

Led by Drs. Gene Morse and Gavin Cloherty, this Action Committee has taken as one key goal the training of the next generation of virologists in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LIMCs). Dr. Cloherty and GVN Corporate Partner Abbot have previously partnered with the GVN, supporting the training of postdoctoral fellows. Among other activities, this Action Committee is now also focusing on matching mentors and trainees from LMICs to support their applications for funding from the Fogarty International Center, as well as from other sources.


Led by Drs. Scott Weaver and Nikos Vasiliakis, this Action Committee typically meets for a presentation by a key speaker and for evaluating epidemiological trends of Dengue and Zika virus outbreaks/epidemics worldwide. The members of this Action Committee are committed to finding solutions to the challenges posed by these viruses in endemic areas. This group is aiming to provide (1) genomic surveillance (2) development of innovative vaccines and therapeutics, and (3) technical support to low- and middle-income countries, (4) collaboration opportunities between the GVN Academic Centers of Excellence and Corporate Partners.

Hemorrhagic Fever

Led by Dr. Robert Garry, this Action Committee is made up of representatives from all GVN Centers of Excellence, its affiliates, and leading international experts with relevant research and skills to address outbreaks of Ebola, Marburg, and Lassa viruses. To discuss practical steps in responding to these outbreaks, this Action Committee will have conference calls and, as necessary, virtual meetings. With assistance from the GVN, this Action Committee will also issue media comments as needed to respond to developing situations. Because speed and authority are important components during outbreaks of these particularly deadly viruses, members of this Action Committee are encouraged reference this GVN Action Committee as well as their own professional affiliation when responding in outbreak situations.

Respiratory Viruses

Led by Drs. Ghedin and Segales, this Action Committee convenes every other month to collaboratively explore research updates, analyze current outbreaks, and formulate solutions to address respiratory viruses. Drawing on zoonosis expertise of virologists and epidemiologists, this dedicated group also provides critical epidemiological updates. It serves as a vital platform for sharing the latest findings, staying informed about global outbreaks, and actively contributing to strategies aimed at countering these viruses on a global scale.

Viral Detection and Control

"Note: This Action Committee is currently on standby with no meetings scheduled"

Led by Dr. Syed Sattar, this Action Committee discusses ways to detect and control emerging viruses while also advocating for hygiene as a key prevention strategy to abate viral transmission. This Action Committee also seeks to identify standards to measure the efficacy of hygiene approaches, including air purification and surface cleaning. Advising and advocacy is a key component of this Action Committee, not just to remind the public and national authorities of the importance of preventive measures, but also to address critical issues in the deployment of effective hygiene procedures: for example, some countries do not allow claims on the antiviral properties of soaps and detergents because they are treated as “cosmetics.”

Retroviruses Action Committee

Led by Dr. James Porterfield, this Action Committee convenes every other month to collaboratively explore research updates, analyze current outbreaks, and formulate solutions to address retroviruses. The committee addresses key challenges in retrovirology, including HIV comorbidities and HTLV-1, a historically underfunded area of research. It serves as a vital platform for sharing the latest findings, staying informed about global outbreaks, and actively contributing to strategies aimed at countering these viruses on a global scale.


If you are interested in joining any of our action committees, please contact Ruby Ferrari, GVN Network Administrator.