Global Virus Network Experts Convene to Discuss H5N1 Flu
On May 13 at 10 a.m. EDT, the Global Virus Network will host an ad hoc panel of experts to discuss the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (H5N1) circulating worldwide, now considered a "pandemic among animals" (panzootic). This panel brings together experts to discuss and analyze potential implications for human health and global health security, strategizing responses to this viral threat. Subsequent meetings are anticipated for end of May, June, and July in which topics such as diagnostics, vaccines, and other critical topics will be discussed.
*15 May update: thanks to the panelists, who have given their explicit permission, the video recording is now available below.
Panel Objectives
- Review recent data on H5N1 transmission, pathogenesis, and epidemiology.
- Evaluate existing surveillance and control measures for H5N1.
- Discuss strategies for enhancing global preparedness and response through collaborative research opportunities and initiatives.
- Provide actionable recommendations to stakeholders on addressing H5N1.
Panel Members
- Peter Palese, PhD: Internationally recognized for his pioneering work in influenza virology and vaccine development, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, US.
- Elodie Ghedin, PhD: Renowned for her expertise in viral genomics and bioinformatics, US National Institutes of Health.
- Martha Nelson, PhD: A leading authority in public health and epidemiology, specializing in infectious disease surveillance, US National Institutes of Health.
- * Joaquim Segales, DVM, PhD: Noted for his research in veterinary virology, particularly in understanding zoonotic transmission and pathogenesis, Animal Health Research Center (IRTA-CReSA), Spain.
- Jared Evins, PhD: Known for his expertise in infectious disease modeling and pandemic preparedness at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, US.
- Lauren Sauer, MSc: Director of the Special Pathogen Research Network with expertise in public health emergencies at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, US.
- Albert Osterhaus, PhD; Renowned virologist affiliated with Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands, known for his expertise in zoonotic viruses and contributions to global infectious disease research and pandemic preparedness.
- TBD: Additional members from USDA, CDC, NIAID, and others are anticipated (13 May addition: in future panels)
*13 May update: was not able to join
- Maggie L. Bartlett, PhD: Virologist at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and Program Director of the GVN.
Please join us for this GVN-convened panel on H5N1 as we work together to enhance global health security and pandemic preparedness. Thank you for your interest and support in addressing critical challenges in infectious disease research and response.
Note: For inquiries or to contribute to the panel, please contact Maggie L. Bartlett, PhD.
About the Global Virus Network (GVN)
The GVN is essential and critical in the preparedness, defense, and first research response to emerging, existing, and unidentified viruses that pose a clear and present threat to public health. Working in close coordination with established national and international institutions, the GVN is a coalition comprised of eminent human and animal virologists from 80+ Centers of Excellence and Affiliates in 41 countries, working collaboratively to train the next generation, advance knowledge about how to identify and diagnose pandemic viruses, mitigate and control how such viruses spread and make us sick, as well as develop drugs, vaccines, and treatments to combat them. No single institution in the world has expertise in all viral areas other than the GVN, which brings together the finest medical virologists to leverage their individual expertise and coalesce global teams of specialists on the scientific challenges, issues, and problems posed by pandemic viruses. The GVN is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. For more information, please visit
General Media Contact:
Linman Li